
15 makeup tips every aged woman should know

Remover helps sustain

  Fingernails are another pain the neck to handle, especially because all that hard work would be gone within one or two days! It is because we don’t prepare them properly before putting nail polish.

  The good news is that the remover helps the nail polish to stay longer. Yes, you read it well. And the main reason why it vanishes so quickly is because of the natural oils in the fingernails that react like a firewall, even if you neither cannot see nor feel it.

   Hence, scrubbing fingernails with a remover before applying the basic layer, the oils would be gone. Try to on nail polish this way and it will last for the next millennium!

Sophia Martinez

Sophia Martinez, a versatile writer, embarked on her journey in journalism in Barcelona. Her trajectory led her from journalistic writing to creating optimized web content, along with ventures into advertising and beauty content crafting.
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